What Is Chronic Gingivitis? What Are Various Chronic Gingivostomatitis Treatment Available Today?


Chronic Gingivostomatitis Treatmen

Gingivitis is a very common periodontal condition that can occur in dogs. It is characterized by red lesions that form around the dog's mouth. This can occur on the tongue, inside the mouth, or on the rear of the tongue. In mild cases, it clears up on its own after a few days. However, if it is left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems. The most common symptoms of Chronic Gingivostomatitis are extreme itchiness, persistent redness and swelling, and a painful sore throat.

Gingivitis is more common in dogs than it is in cats. Early treatment for this disease will ensure long-term protection against it. Antibiotics or steroids are common chronic gingivostomatitis treatments available today in the market.

Although methods for chronic gingivostomatitis treatment for dogs are the same as those used for humans, they are usually done differently. The primary difference is in the methods used for removing and treating oral bacteria. In dogs, the main source of infection is bacteria on the rear of the tongue. Since the tongue is constantly in contact with the air, an ideal environment for bacteria to grow is found there. Continuous brushing and cleaning will remove the bacteria from the oral cavity, but it takes time.

Dogs can also contract chronic gingivostomatitis when the affected area becomes inflamed due to gum infections, receding gums, or trauma. If the area around the mouth becomes severely painful, it could be a sign of severe gum disease or cancer. To treat this condition effectively, it is important to address all of its causes. Unfortunately, even with careful cleaning and prevention treatments, sometimes gingivostomatitis can recur. The recurrence of gingivostomatitis may be due to different factors such as improper diet, genetic predisposition, or a dog's age
