Reperfusion Treatment Is Type Of Drug Delivery Process Directly Into The Blood Stream


Reperfusion Treatment

Reperfusion is the process of injecting medicines into the blocked veins, usually after a heart attack, to restore blood circulation. It can be done in many ways but the most common way is by way of a vein-blocking balloon catheter. Reperfusion treatment usually includes surgery and other medications. The commonly used medications are fibrinolytic and thrombostatic agents, which are usually injected into the blocked vein.

These medications are usually given intravenously or intramuscularly through a catheter inserted into the affected vein. After being introduced, these medicines are then taken by the patient. Usually, this treatment lasts for four to six hours but sometimes may take longer depending on the gravity of the case. Patients are usually sent home after the surgery, while some are required to stay at the hospital for observation for a day or two.

One of the most common complications of this procedure is pulmonary embolism. It refers to a situation where a part of the pulmonary artery is blocked by a thrombus. There are usually two kinds of thrombosis, namely, thrombus that originates within the veins and thrombus that originate outside the veins. When the thrombus is not properly removed during the procedure, it could cause a stroke or heart attack in the patient. Pulmonary embolism is more common in smokers.

The medicines and procedures used to treat pulmonary embolism are simple and have a low mortality rate. Another very common cause of repercussions is external hemorrhage, which is caused by injuries usually caused by external stimuli like hot flashes and sunburns. The treatment for this is similar to the treatment of internal hemorrhaging. Most patients, however, do not survive this kind of treatment.

Reperfusion Treatment is also used to treat infections such as strep throat, virus infection, upper respiratory tract infection, and viral meningitis. The most common treatments for these infections are antibiotics and decongestants. When the bacterial infection does not respond well to antibiotics or decongestants, surgery may be the only option.
