High Prevalence of Progression of Non-Metastatic Biochemically Relapsed Prostate Cancer to Boost Demand for Citrus Pectin


Citrus Pectin

Citrus pectin is a dietary supplement that may aid in preventing the spread of cancer. This gelatinous substance obtained from pears, apples, guavas, quince, plums, gooseberries, oranges, and other citrus fruits can also help in reducing the risk of heart disease. Its primary purpose is to act as an antioxidant - to cleanse the body of accumulated free radicals. It helps prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and treat people with certain types of heavy metal poisoning.

Recent studies have also suggested the safety and potential benefit of pectasol-c modified citrus pectin treatment on progression of non- metastatic biochemically relapsed prostate cancer. Thus, demand for citrus pectin is expected to increase with high prevalence of cancer. For instance, according to the World Health Organization’s Globocan 2018, Germany recorded 608,742 cases of cancer 247,462 cancer-related deaths in 2018.

Citrus pectin has been shown to help in weight loss, increases blood flow to the heart, strengthens the immune system, and aids in the synthesis of collagen. It is naturally present in fresh fruits and vegetables and is often taken in capsule or tablet form. Modified citrus pectin however is a more bio-available form of pectin, which means that it is absorbed more easily into the bloodstream. It can be taken as an added supplement to boost the daily amounts of essential vitamins and minerals that are taken in through fruit and vegetables. It also works as an antiseptic and as an antibacterial. It can be taken in combination with vitamin C and magnesium to help to reduce the risks of stroke, coronary artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis.

One way to increase the amount of citrus pectin in your body is to eat fresh fruit and juice on a regular basis. The tart taste of citrus in fruit juices helps keep the digestive tract clean. This helps to increase the amount of nutrients that are absorbed into the body. You can also take citrus fruit supplements in tablet or liquid form to provide your body with additional amounts of these important nutrients. However, there is no point in taking a supplement if you are not going to include fruits and vegetables in your regular eating plan. You need to make sure that you are eating a balanced and healthy diet if you want to benefit from any of the benefits of citrus pectin.
